Tuesday, January 13, 2009

photos (with some text) !!

street scene, la merced in the background.

at la casa where we had our cooking lesson.

anjeliqua and her daughter.

cooking class.

el catedral.


ice cream.  

loco street signs.

mi profesora

the director of escuela with her baby.

la merced.  la iglasia closest to mi casa.


  1. beautiful.

    the shot of the kids at the table is really cool.

  2. ice cream... el helado
    boss with baby... la directora de la escuela con su nina
    cookin class... la clase de cocina
    la merced. la iglesia mas cerca de me casa

    this could be a fun chance for me to brush on my spanish :P if you don't mind that is...
    you enjoying everything so far??? miss youuuu

  3. I love the colors in the shot of the catedral. muy bueno!
